- Students for Teachers, Achievements, Recreation and Social work
- Students Teaching and Advocating Respect
- Students That Are Really Special
- Student and Teachers As Role models
For your consideration:
President (SuperStar): Maria Agatha O. Mapugay
Vice President (MegaStar): Dominic Kabigting
Secretary (WordStar): Angeline Estepa
Treasurer (GoldStar): Encarnacion Mendoza
Auditor (SilverStar): Gian Arkial Claridad
Business Managers (Twin Stars): Jhun Doyogan
Inah Patricia Arsenio
PRO (RockStar): Josell Mirabel
Representatives (Shining Stars): Charia Li
Melvin Siavoc
Arcy Joy Ferreras
PLATFORM of Governance
- Students for Teachers, Achievements, Recreation and Social work
I, Maria Agatha O. Mapugay, am submitting myself for the Presidency of our beloved school’s Student Body Council. As the patriarch of S.T.A.R.S – The Students for Teachers, Achievements, Recreation and Sports, I, together with my party, promise you the best year you’ll ever have in OLLS!
As a Grade VI student, I know that this will be my last time to serve you. Since winning the Miss OLLS Beauty Pageant years ago, I have had the opportunity to observe everything that is happening in our school. I have had my fair share of firsts, accomplishments, and milestons, and I think this will be a great year to give something back to you, fellow students, and to our beloved school.
We know that we cannot help everyone, but I sincerely believe that everyone can help someone. And with that, let me present to you the STARS platform of governance for 2007-2008.
STARS - Students for Teachers, Achievements, Recreation and Sports
STARS will be a Student for Teachers organization. We will come up with programs designed to promote the respect and stature of our teachers. Maybe, we could hold a Student-Teacher’s Day where for 1 day, a student gets to represent a teacher and teach an entire class! That would be something, right?
STARS will be for Achievements! STARS will recognize exemplary Students and Teachers for a number of criteria. These include one’s dedication and love for education, love for others, love for country, etc.
STARS also stands for Recreation and sports! I know you will love this! After all, all study and no play isn’t just fun! We will have special recreational events designed to folster friendship between Students and Teachers. And how many of you like sports? We will propose special sportsfests, friendly sports competition, and other sports activities for the whole year!
And last but definitely not the least, STARS stands for Social work. I sincerely and honestly believe that we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Come the Christmas Season, let’s all share our blessings with our less fortunate brothers and sisters. We will organize a fund drive to share some of our Christmas blessings with our less fortunate brothers and sisters. It is with hope that we will accomplish this. Together with the management of OLLS, we will carry on and show the world what it means to be a student in our beloved Catholic School.
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