Got this from my dad, The AnitoKid
—Copy/paste the VIRAL-ICONS & instructions below this line—
Important Update - Please read here!
1.) Copy and paste the matrix of “Viral Icons” below courtesy of Ilker Yoldas from The Thinking Blog.
2.) Upload your non-animated favicon (GIF image of size 16×16 pixels) to ImageShack, a similar free image hosting server or to your own server provided by your hosting service if you have one.
3.) Substitute the Host Icon and one of the “Viral Icons” in the matrix with your ALT text of choice and your blog’s URL. Maximum of 3 specific keywords for the ALT text are best for it to be effective.
4.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your icon in one of their “Viral Icons”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Icon’s code (automatically the associated ALT tag will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “Viral Icons” below.
5.) Invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

- No Porn Sites
- Only 1 icon per person (i.e. don’t hog the ViralIcons!)
- Please don’t tamper with other people’s ALT tags, URLs or favicons.
Mmmm...missed this in Ilker's site. Looks like you have some good linkage ideas going on here.
I have added the Viral Icons to my blog at
thanks Kim
I have the viral icons at
and the name of my blog is
laketrees alt: artist portrait art
could you add me please?
thank you
regards Kim
hello!i have added you in my viral link @ thanks and see you soon!
Hi! I've added you! :)
Have a good week!
Hi Friend ,
i have added you in my viral icon plz have a look
thanks have a good day
Thanx for add my link here . I just added yoo too
My Viral Icons
Can u do me a favour?? Can u please change my URL from to
Just add www
Thanx for your co op
Best of luck to you
I just moved to my new domain. Please change my url from to
Please change my url in your viral icons and your viral tags.
I have to say that this is a great idea. I have seen a lot of success from this. Also a lot of people complain that Technorati will catch on and not approve it after a while and it doesn't help for Google. What are your thoughts?
Hi ! Why don’t you update your viral icons matrix ? I have now 80 icons. You can see them at:
Bye !
Tks for the add. I have added you add my site. :)
Hi, I've added your viral icon to my blog :)
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